![]() Vampire debuted as a TV movie in 1979. 1999 marks the 20th anniversay. Since Steven Bochco didn't see fit to write a sequel, I decided to do it. Vampire was a pilot for a series, but the network (CBS, I think--someone correct me if I'm wrong) wouldn't go for it. Pity. I would have loved to watch Richard Lynch go up against E.G. Marshall and Jason Miller once a week. Part of this story has been online since early this year (1999), but I'm a little late finishing it up and adding the fanfic rings. Vampire II: Damnation and Desire is intended as a celebratory fanfic and a way to wrap up the storyline and give the characters closure. Hopefully, I've answered some questions from the original. If anyone else wants to write their own fanfic continuing the adventures of John Rawlins and Harry Kilcoyne, please do so. I'd love to post them here! And if Mr. Bochco wants to do his own sequel to celebrate the 25th anniversary, he has my blessing. ;) By virtue of the Literary License bestowed upon me by the Wizard of Oz, I have taken a few liberties with facts from the original: 1) Nowhere in the movie, or in the credits, is John Rawlins' old friend (portrayed by Michael Tucker) given a name. I had made up a name for him until I happened to check the Internet Movie DataBase and found out it's Christopher Bell. Nicole (Jessica Walter) wasn't given a last name in the movie or credits either. Yet, the IMDB has it listed as DeCamp. Also, I started out spelling it "Lesley", but the IMDB has it "Leslie". How does the IMDB get its information? 2) On Leslie's headstone: Leslie Ann Rawlins. Her middle name is never mentioned, but I felt she deserved one. 3) I truly believe Leslie Rawlins was not "enthralled" by Anton Voytek. She didn't act the way Andrea Parker did in the crypt. As much as Leslie loved her husband, she was attracted to Anton and gave in to those feelings. We'll never know how far she would have gone since Anton ravaged her shortly thereafter. 4) I have no idea why the makeup department (or whoever makes those decisions) chose to cover up Mr. Lynch's baby blues with black contacts. I have restored his eyes to their rightful color. They turn black only when Anton is in the throes of bloodlust or in deep meditative introspection. 5) John's baby sister Christina Rawlins Delaney is my own invention (I chose the name long before I discovered John's best friend's name is Christopher). I fabricated the Rawlins family history, as well as hints of Anton Voytek's, for the purposes of this story. 6) If anyone notices other discrepancies between the original and this sequel, please drop me a line and I'll justify it here. Check out these credits at the Internet Movie DataBase: Vampire Written by Steven Bochco and Michael Kozoll. Directed by E.W. Swackhamer In Memoriam 1927~1994 Prince Anton Voytek--Richard Lynch John Rawlins--Jason Miller In Memoriam 1939~2001 Leslie Rawlins--Kathryn Harrold Harry Kilcoyne--E.G. Marshall In Memoriam 1914~1998 Nicole DeCamp--Jessica Walter Andrea Parker--Barrie Youngfellow Christopher Bell--Michael Tucker I love to get e-mail! Please let me know what you think about my sequel to Vampire, good or bad. Write to lanette@eetronics.com Constructive criticism is always welcome. Please put "V2" in the subject line. Thanks! [Intro]   [Index]   Notes   [Webrings] ![]() DISCLAIMER: Vampire belongs to MTM, Steven Bochco, and/or whoever else is the copyright holder on the material. Other original characters belong to me and the story itself, while derivitive of the original, also belongs to me. All graphics on these pages were made by me expressly for these pages. DO NOT TAKE THEM! If you would like a graphic to link to this Vampire fanfic site, e-mail me and let me know. No fangs were harmed in the writing of this fanfic. ![]() |