I've got a wonderful little gadget...Snappy!
Stay tuned for more and more screen captures!

You're welcome to take any of the pics to put up on your site as
long as you follow these simple rules:
1.) Save the picture to your harddrive and upload to your server. DO NOT
link to my server. Besides it being poor netiquette, the directories will change
from time to time.
2.) Do not alter or manipulate these screen captures in any way without asking
permission if they are to be displayed on a web page or distributed to others in some
way. That said, if you wish to make wallpaper or screen savers for your own personal use,
go for it. If you'd like a background/border set made with any of the pics, just ask!
3.) Give credit where credit is due. Please link back to the Tribute to Richard Lynch
site at http://members.nbci.com/rlynchtrib
That's it! Follow the rules and enjoy!

To view screen captures, click on a link below:
Enemy Action
Hunter: The Legion (Part II)
Invasion USA
The Mitera Target
Scanner Cop

A big thanks to my friend Kathy Dickinson for providing the screen
captures below:
The Seven-Ups, 1973.
Billy O'Dell/Richard Rose
Jake and the Fatman, 1991.

Web design and content ©1997~2002 Lanette Curington
Disclaimer: Screen captures used in this border set from Delta Fox (1977). These
were made especially for these pages. Please do not take them! If you'd like a Richard Lynch
border set made for your site, e-mail me.
Capturing pictures and displaying them here is not meant to infringe on anyone's
copyright. Each picture is credited with the movie/tv show it was taken from.