Screen captures from Vampire (1979)
Role: Prince Anton Voytek
Click on a thumbnail to see the bigger pic.

"Not only do you intrude but you insult as well."

Sunset...we know what that means.

"Touch her? Just a stroke or two for the moment. But I am going to touch her,
Harry--I promise you that--and she's going to love it."

Another lucky girl!

"That's close enough or I'll take her now. Do you want to hear . . . drinking."

"Or pursue this madness forever and I warn you: Divest yourself of everyone dear or
I'll drain them drop by drop."

"Ultimately, you have to lose."

John Rawlins: "It's not over, Harry."
Harry Kilcoyne: "I know that. I know that, son."

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DISCLAIMERS and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Background scans of publicity stills from Vampire provided by Deanna Dube' (Thanks, Dee Dee!) and were graphically manipulated by me expressly for this page. DO NOT TAKE IT! Other graphics were created by me specifically for this page. DO NOT TAKE THEM! Quotes are taken directly from the movie. Copyright holders retain the rights to their material. Screen captures are not meant to infringe on anyone's copyrights, but to showcase Mr. Lynch's extraordinary screen presence.